I spend an irrational amount of time watching jiu jitsu videos on YouTube. Certain channels I come back to over and over again. Here’s a list of my favorite YouTube channels of 2019, hope you enjoy them too.
Category: News
Top Jiu Jitsu Blogs – 2019
It’s that time of the year again. Time to round up the list of my favorite jiu jitsu blogs from the year. These are blogs that I’ve found myself visiting often. A lot of these are repeated from the previous year, but good things bear repeating.
The Top Funniest Jiu Jitsu Sites
If you’ve been in jiu jitsu for any length of time whatsoever, you’ve probably seen your fair share of funny jiu jitsu sites. The colossal amount of jiu jitsu memes proves that the jiu jitsu community as a whole likes to have fun. If you’ve been living under a rock and haven’t seen any, here are a few of my favorites:
There are no shortage of Facebook pages, Twitter feeds and Instagram personalities creating and sharing memes.
But there are also plenty of funny jiu jitsu YouTube channels, and social media pages that create quality, funny videos.
Here are some of the funniest:
Chris Haueter Seminar January 2019
I just got back from a seminar put on by Chris Haueter at the Fight Gym in Chagrin Falls, Ohio. This is the second seminar I’ve attended with Haueter, and I said the same thing last time, I wouldn’t miss a Chris Haueter seminar when he comes around. Both times that I’ve attended his seminars I’ve had several “ah-ha” moments, which totally makes the price of admission worthwhile.
This seminar we focused on the rear naked choke. We spent a little time in the beginning of the seminar after our warm up talking about how to control our partner when we have back control. Haueter spoke about the importance of controlling our partner’s hips by pushing our hips right against their tail bone and using our legs to keep their hips pulled back into ours and to the ground. We spent some time with our partner trying to escape while we attempted to hold them in place. It was pretty amazing how much control we had this way, without even really needing to use our arms that much to control their upper body. Typically we’re taught to get a seat belt grip to maintain control but by controlling their hips with our legs we didn’t seem to need that grip to maintain control.
Jiu Jitsu Holiday Gift Guide 2018
It’s that time of the year again, and you’re trying your best to drop hints to your family and friends about the cool jiu jitsu gear you’d like. But you don’t have an easy list to point them to. Well I got you covered. Here’s a list of the coolest jiu jitsu gifts I’ve found this year, all in one place so you can easily send your mom this link so she knows what to buy for you.
Leglocks: Enter the System by John Danaher – This highly anticipated DVD series was finally released, and it is a treasure trove of information. We’ve been working through the system at our school and each lesson is a game changer.
Jorge Pereira Seminar
Yesterday I attended a seminar with Jorge Pereira at GriffonRawl MMA Academy. Jorge Pereira is a coral belt under Rickson Gracie, is the subject of the TV Series “Rio Heroes” and has a long history fighting in Vale Tudo. During the seminar he told stories of how he would fight sometimes three times a day while surfing, and discussed the importance of honor in jiu jitsu. Pereira believes that when training you should find the school/person you want to train under and stick with them, as opposed to the way some fighters (in MMA in particular) move from coach to coach if they think a new coach offers something different than the current one. He also mentioned that he’s bringing back Vale Tudo in a new promotion company with a very limited ruleset so the fights are as realistic as possible. I can’t find any links related to this but I’m going to keep an eye out for it, from what Pereira said the limited ruleset should lead to some exciting fights.
Henry Akins Seminar – Columbus OH – Side Control Escapes
Yesterday I attended my third seminar with Henry Akins, this one being at Relson Gracie Jiu Jitsu in Columbus Ohio, and it was just as mind blowing as all the rest have been. If you’ve never been to a seminar with Henry Akins you need to put it on your to-do list, asap. Every time I’ve attended his seminars I’ve come away with concepts that immediately improved the efficiency of my jiu jitsu. I always find myself thinking “I can’t believe I haven’t thought of doing it this way before” when he shows a detail, because the simplicity and efficiency of the movement that he teaches makes it seem like the move was always intended to be done this particular way. Ask anybody that attends these seminars and they will tell you the same. There are many “Eureka!” moments.
Continue reading “Henry Akins Seminar – Columbus OH – Side Control Escapes”
Top Jiu Jitsu Blogs – 2018
I spend a fair amount of time surfing the web for jiu jitsu related content. I’m always looking for jiu jitsu blogs that are informative, funny and entertaining. There’s no shortage of jiu jitsu related material on the internet, but I’ve found myself going to the same resources time and time again. As this blog (bjjmatrat.com) serves as a place for me to list resources that I plan on re-visiting in the future, I thought I would compile a list of jiu jitsu blogs that I like to read so that I can quickly reference them when I need to.
Since I’m always looking out for good jiu jitsu content, I’ll update this list as I find new stuff. If you have any suggestions about jiu jitsu blogs not listed here let me know in the comments so can check them out.
Fight to Win Pro
I attended my first Fight to Win Pro event in Cleveland last night, Fight to Win Pro 69. I went to support my team who had a competitor in the tournament (he won his match by Kimura). Fight to Pro Win fights are unlike other Jiu Jitsu tournaments, in that there is only 1 fight going on at a time. All eyes are on the fighters. The event has a UFC type atmosphere, complete with walk out music, flashing lights, and announcers. I was impressed with how well organized the whole event was. Every match started on time and they got the fighters on and off the stage like clock work. The matches were all exciting to watch, every competitor did a top notch job and really gave it their all. We saw some nice takedowns, great submissions, good sportsmanship, and some interesting no-gi apparel.
I’m looking forward to attending the next F2W tournament in Pittsburgh.